Our volunteers are essential to Powering Futures

Our vision is that future generations live in a sustainable, economically prosperous world. We can’t do this without your help.

Volunteers are an essential part of our school programme. They help students to understand the world of work, and how sustainability applies in a commercial context.

Our volunteers help students see the bigger picture and inspire them to find their real potential.



Students progress through various themed sessions throughout the academic year, each aimed at problem-solving and innovation. Volunteers contribute by sharing their real-world insights during 90-minute teacher-led sessions. We offer guidance for each session, fostering authentic conversations for a richer experience for both volunteers and students.


Judges provide feedback twice during the program. In early February, students present draft presentations at the school, receiving feedback for refinement. The final judging panel, held in late March, features industry experts providing feedback on students' final presentations, lasting about two hours.


We're focused on guiding S5 and S6 students toward diverse career paths. Seeking individuals a bit further along or advanced in their careers to share their journeys through short interviews and case studies. This enriches students' awareness of available opportunities.

Our volunteers have amassed



“Working with S5&S6 pupils on the Powering Futures Challenge has given me the opportunity to share some of my knowledge and work experience, that will hopefully have a positive impact for their futures.”

— Andrew Ramsay, Powering Futures Volunteer